If you are an avid gamer, you are keenly aware of how technology has changed the gaming experience over the last few decades. We have graduated from a simple joy stick controller to a more sophisticated virtual reality headset. From a gamer’s point of view, this technology provides a completely different experience. Do you remember frantically pushing the joy stick to the right only to watch Pacman continue straight to his demise? Technological advancements in the gaming industry have, thankfully, improved the lag time. But, recent product failures are showing that VR is immature from a technology perspective. Continue reading this post to learn how VR will shape the future of the gaming industry.

Strong Outlook On VR Growth

Product developers are being challenged to create virtual reality software and equipment that is considered quality entertainment by hardcore gamers. If you are an early adopter gamer, then you are probably not concerned about the cost. You are more interested in having access to the latest and greatest virtual reality technology. Corporate executives in the gaming industry acknowledge that the technology is still in its infancy. As such, they know it is not advanced enough to command the current price tag. These executives are confident about the emerging VR technology and believe it has a strong future. 

Virtual Reality Arcades

Virtual reality is also reviving the idea of arcades. If you were born before the early nineties, you might remember the standalone video game arcades. Maybe you even considered one your favorite hangout spot. Most of these locations closed when the same video games became available for home use on TVs and computers. The tide is now turning as virtual reality games are gaining in popularity. Virtual reality arcades are popping up around the large metro areas. People are coming together to play VR games in open locations. Even in shopping malls, VR has taken off. As a service, VR gaming is expected to see significant growth with predictions reaching $2.3 billion this year. Expect to see more VR arcades in the near future.

Rise Of Location-based Entertainment Facilities

Building off the growth in VR arcades, the next generation VR will create a new type of location gaming. Location-based entertainment (LBE) is considered a social VR and also referred to as “hyperreality.” This is the perfect activity for gamers who want to take the virtual reality arcade experience to the next level. Rather than the virtual reality experience being isolated inside the goggles, LBE combines the VR experience with a person’s physical surroundings. You run around a big warehouse-type space with your friends and dodge virtual objects. These types of facilities are scattered across the United States, Canada and internationally and gaining in popularity because of the uniqueness of the experience. 

batman vr How Virtual Reality Will Shape The Gaming Industry Future | VGLeaks 2.0

Fully Interactive VR Gaming

Now that the physical aspect of a gamer’s experience is being integrated with virtual reality technology, the question becomes, “What’s next?” Suffice to say that the future of VR gaming will not be limited to what you see and hear. Developers are setting their sights on understating the “virtual” as they perfect the “reality.” This means that your VR gaming experience will immerse you fully by involving all of your senses. Instead of simply playing casino games online, you can actually walk up to a table of your choice. Perhaps, you will be able to play roulette online and walk to another table if your luck isn’t working. This type of immersive experience would create full virtual games where gamers can walk, talk and interact.

Increased Accessibility To VR

While the gaming market is still dominated by retro games, it will be difficult for VR to completely take over until it becomes more accessible. At the moment, strapping on a headset and paying for additional gear is expensive. It’s costly in terms of price and convenience. However, as many new VR headsets and equipment lower in price, it will become more accessible to everyone. This will support the growth of virtual reality within the gaming industry. While it may not take over the industry just yet, we can expect the accessibility to create a very strong genre within the gaming segment.

The future of the gaming industry will be strongly influenced by the growth of the virtual reality segment. While VR gaming is still in its early stages, there is plenty of potential for the future. We can expect to see new types of VR arcades opening up. These may also lead to location-based gaming experience. Eventually, we may move towards fully immersive gaming experiences. Of courses, as these advancements become more accessible, they will shape the future of the gaming industry overall.