Nintendo has a well-balanced strategy for Switch based on the released of new games and remastered versions of popular games launched on old systems. Next stop: Paper Mario: Thousand-Year Door.

An investigative journalist that wants to remain anonymous, but has advanced some verified rumours before, claims that Nintendo is working on a remastered version of Paper Mario: Thousand-Year Door for Nintendo Switch:

“As some of you know, I do hobby journalism behind the scenes and research various things for fun. Some accurate Nintendo rumors that were reported by YouTubers and other sites in the past partially were based on my research. As I said, I don’t like attention and thus always asked everyone to keep me private, which I intend to continue remain private in those stories.

However, now I have something super excited that I’m aware of. Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Remaster is finally happening and coming out soon!”

A great GameCube game that deserves to be rediscovered today.

Thanks, MyNintendoNews.