
First of all, take this info with tons of salt, since the news comes from Reddit.

Air_Radiant, a Reddit user known for unveiling Housemarque (Returnal, Resogun) acquisition before Sony announced it, returns now with more interesting info: Sony is creating a new studio in Japan that will develop bid-budget AAA games.

According to the source, this new studio would be creating big PlayStation video games for the Japanese market, but also for the rest of the world. In fact, the staff would include former Capcom, Square Enix, or Konami veteran employees. The main goal would be creating and developing big scale IPs like Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, or Metal Gear.

The studio could have been working on a project since early 2021, and Sony intention would be to announce the game alongside the creation of this new Japan studio.

Stay tuned.

Hi everyone! Back in June I posted about the Housemarque acquisition before it was formally announced on the 29th of June. Although the rumour was not completely from me, I had also heard similar things beforehand from a source. However, this source DID provide me with a video as proof ( linked to post) but he did not provide concrete evidence to this claim, but he was correct in the end about Housemarque. Take it as you will

Link to that post: https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/npiq3c/sony_may_have_acquired_housemarque_rumour/

Now I am not yet fully convinced of this yet, but the same source who talked about the Housemarque acquisition back in early June (he provided me the video as proof) has revealed to me that apparently Sony is in the process of building an entirely new studio in Japan to work on big-budget AAA games. Essentially this studio is in the same vein as Microsofts “Initiative”, and apparently Sony wants this studio to make big hits that are both successful in Japan as well as in the West.

In short, they want this studio to make an IP in the scale of Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry or Metal Gear. Source has told me that they are hiring veteran developers from Capcom’s Resident Evil team, devs from Sqaure Enix and even developers from Konami (apparently a lot of vets got laid off after Konami re-structured earlier this year). What game they are working on the source has not revealed to me, but apparently Sony was working on this since early 2020 and they were already planning the shuttering of Japan Studio.

Studio will probably be revealed once the game is revealed, apparently the game is still in early development and they are still hiring. Source has not provided concrete evidence though, so take this with a grain of salt

EDIT: I have contacted another the source about the announcement of the studio and the project, source has stated that it is set to be revealed within the coming months alongside the project.

Via | Reddit