Warhammer is omnipresent. It could be deemed the epitome of product placement, with various merchandise complementing the board game. According to the dataminer “CODWarfareForum,” Call of Duty might incorporate operators from Warhammer 40k. Loading screens featuring “Primarch of the Dark Angels, Interrogator-Chaplain Boreas,” and “Helewise, Adeptas Sororitas” have been discovered (via X):

Warhammer1 [Rumor] Warhammer 40k universe could collide with Call of Duty in a collaboration | VGLeaks 2.0

Warhammer2 [Rumor] Warhammer 40k universe could collide with Call of Duty in a collaboration | VGLeaks 2.0

Furthermore, leaked Warhammer medals suggest that an event mode is on the horizon for Modern Warfare 3. Additionally, names of Warhammer bosses have been unearthed in the files, such as Baton Jailer, Swamp Monster (Fenbeast), Orgre Butcher, and Mummy. These bosses could potentially be integrated into Modern Warfare 3, Warzone, or Zombies.

Something -for the empire- is coming.

Thanks, Charlieintel.