
What do you think video games will be like in the Web3 era? While most of us are still trying to wrap our heads around what Web3 even is, there is one thing that is for sure – and we mean total, 100% definite: things are going to be different.

Yes, Web3 is still evolving, but the technology is already developing new trends in gaming. Many of us don’t even realise yet that we’re dipping our toes into the waters of the future world-wide-web – although we’re already enjoying the perks…

Decentralized Gaming

Traditionally controlled by a central authority that sets rules and owns data, these platforms are often lumped together under one controling entity. On blockchain networks, games will function in a decentralized manner under Web 3. As players, we will have more say in their experiences in the game, including owning assets.

This is going to be a universe where our hard-earned loot, skins, and achievements are not tied to any single game or platform but exist on a blockchain. The implication is that we will be able to move assets across games or resell them on secondary markets. Also, indie developers have already been able to develop and distribute games without dependence on major publishers thanks to this decentralization, which is a big win for small-time developers. 

Crypto Casino iGaming

Transparency issues, fairness questions, and payment processing are common problems online casinos face. Crypto casinos solve these challenges using blockchain technology that supports provably fair games and frictionless transactions with digital money. And most of the time, they skip the need for extensive verification processes. A site like those listed at https://nokyc.com/ gets a real edge over competitors who still rely on slow and invasive verification processes.

That makes crypto casino gaming a transparent and fair system where each bet and outcome is stored in the blockchain. By using cryptocurrencies, players can prove the randomness and fairness of every game, thereby reducing fraud risks. Using cryptocurrencies eliminates intermediaries facilitating transactions, leading to faster deposits and withdrawals at lower costs.

Integrating this technology into real money online casinos creates new rewards and loyalty programs. Gamers can earn and trade these digital tokens across platforms or games, making it a unified ecosystem that engages them together. In other words, crypto casinos may soon become an essential part of the gaming experience for all gamers as more players and developers start embracing them.


Web3 also introduces play-to-earn (P2E) gaming – gamers are rewarded with real value for participating in online activities within their chosen video games. This model exploits blockchain and cryptocurrency and players are paid for their time and effort by employing these technologies in traditional play-styled games, unlike usual ones that seek entertainment alone.

That has already been demonstrated by Axie Infinity and similar games, where you breed and battle digital pets called Axies while earning tokens you can exchange for real money. 

As Web3 technology matures, more games like this one should adopt this model, changing our perception and interaction with the video gaming industry altogether and possibly creating an era when people earn their living from playing rather than hobbies.

Immersive Experiences with VR and AR

While blockchains and decentralization form the core of Web3, advancements in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will enhance the overall gaming experience even more – it is the same with standard gaming, except the concept has not really taken off yet. 

These technologies bring about more interactive worlds, which, through their integration, make gaming more immersive than ever. The idea here is to have players not just play but also live the games they are engaged in – does that not sound like something you would want to be involved in? Imagine yourself in an imaginary land where your activities are accountable or engaging in a sporting event in which every blow and dash is felt. 

Games will no longer be just visual and audio experiences when VR and AR come into play. It will encompass all the senses of the player, allowing them to connect more deeply with the game world. That would redefine what it means to play video games.

Have you played on Web3 yet? We would say it is still becoming the future – there are nowhere near as many Web3 gamers as there are standard gamers, but that is not to say it is not an exciting and growing industry. If you have not played video games on Web3, give it a go!