Monolith Soft is Nintendo’s premier developer for JRPGs and open-world games. In fact, they assisted Eiji Aonuma’s team with Breath of the Wild, revolutionizing the way elements are incorporated into the Zelda series.

Monolith Soft has delivered three great titles with the Xenoblade Chronicles saga, and their next project, known internally as “Legacy,” is expected to be their next major release. “Legacy” is not related to Xenosaga. Beyond this, not much information is available. It could be Xenoblade Chronicles 4 or something entirely new. It is speculated that this project will be a Nintendo Switch 2 game.

This rumor comes from Midori, the same source who leaked the new Jet Set Radio and several Atlus titles, including the remakes of Persona 2 and 4, and the potential release of Persona 6 on Switch 2 and Xbox.

Thanks, Final Weapon.