Ever noticed the way that a surprising number of video games contain elements of gambling and betting in them? It’s quite intriguing how the concept of risking your money has crept into this digital space, and how many virtual characters seem to enjoy games of chance (or skill). That’s not new – we saw it even in the early Pokemon games, back when we were playing on tiny Gameboy screens and barely understood what gambling was (but wow, it was satisfying to win).

Now, though, even many of the new releases carry gambling themes in some aspect or another – and we see it in some surprising places! If you’re feeling lucky (or you want to test your skills in different ways from the rest of the gameplay), these minigames could be a great way to switch it up and do something different for a while, without having to leave the gaming universe behind. That sounds like a good plan to us!

Final Fantasy XV

A lot of Final Fantasy XV was about fighting the monsters – the sabertusks, the dualhorns, the cockatrices… but this wasn’t the whole game. Aside from trying to outwit and eventually best Arden in a battle with fate, we had the option to go fishing, collect ingredients and… gamble? If you’re surprised by that last one, you obviously never wandered into a Crow’s Nest Diner and explored all the options, because here (and at a cafe in Altissia), you could try your skill on a pinball game to see how good you were.

Yes, Final Fantasy XV caved to a popular trope of this franchise – the casino. It was a lot more toned down than the Gold Saucer in the famous FFVII, for sure, but… it was still definitely a factor. Wander into any of these establishments with Noctis and you were essentially at your very own casino online, with the Justice Monsters Five minigame. Here, you’ve got a chance to win a wide range of prizes, just like at a real casino – although we guess most real casinos aren’t handing out Hi-Potions.

But why was this in there at all? Why not have Noctis just find the items around the map, or create monster drops? What’s with video games and creating casinos? Well, we’d guess there are a few reasons for this!

First up, casinos are fun and glamorous, and developers want to bring that to their games. They’re a slice-of-life detail that helps flesh out the world, deepen the characters, and enhance immersion for the players. All of those are fairly good reasons to put them in here – so here they are, and Noctis and his crew can gamble the night away if they choose to. We’re not sure Ignis really approves, but there you go. With depth like this, it’s no wonder FF is such a well-loved franchise.

Grand Theft Auto Online

The above reasons are applicable to the famous GTA too – and yes, there are casinos in this universe. Really, it wouldn’t feel complete without them. What’s funny about this though is that the casino in the game stayed shut for many years, tantalizing players without ever letting anyone through its doors… until 2019, when game developers caved and finally let players have access to an immersive virtual casino, right in their favorite universe. Want to play poker all night, or up for a few spins of the roulette wheel? Want to see how lucky you are in the virtual world before you evaluate out a casino’s waters in reality? GTA has everything you’ll need.

It’s not just the Online one either – the San Andreas version has got multiple casinos to offer to the avid gambling enthusiast.

Red Dead Redemption

Would it be the Wild West without a bit of gambling? We’re not sure, but if you’re up for playing RDR1 or Red Dead Online, you’ve got casinos at your fingertips – though we’re going to call them saloons for the sake of immersion. With the time period in mind, Marston’s got his pick of a few games, including blackjack, five finger fillet, arm wrestling, and liar’s dice – and just like at a real casino, you’ve got a chance of winning big if you play well.

Again, the inclusion of these gambling minigames is a big part of building up the universe and helping players feel like they’re really a part of it. We think the developers have done a great job of choosing picks that feel like the perfect ones for the character and the setting, letting players feel like they’re really stepping back into the old West with John. Sure, there are bigger fish to fry in this universe, but the opportunity to stop and bet in a game of blackjack? Well, these are the things that really “wow” us about video games today.