As one of the most successful video game franchises of all time, it’s no surprise that the mobile version of Call of Duty is among the most popular mobile games ever. It broke a world record for downloads in a week after all. However, the mobile version is a little different than the classic version. It takes some getting used to and sometimes a change in approach. That’s why we thought it was appropriate to share some helpful tips for how to excel at Call of Duty: Mobile

Take Time to Explore

One of the best COD strategies that not nearly enough players practice is simply exploring the map. Take a little time to explore your surroundings and understand the map. Obviously, everyone is eager to get started and fight. But the COD players who succeed often play smarter and not harder. If you explore the map, you’ll have a distinct advantage over other players because you’ll be familiar with your surroundings. You’ll know where to go to protect yourself and the areas where it’s best to launch an attack. Just take a little time to explore the map and you’ll be in much better shape.

Use Headphones

Even on a mobile device, it’s best to use headphones. This is so you can hear the sounds of the game more clearly and accurately. Keep in mind there is a slight delay in what you hear when your mobile device is in your hands. That won’t be a problem if you have headphones. You’ll hear everything right away and be able to react quicker, especially if another player is trying to sneak up on you from behind. Even if it doesn’t seem like a huge advantage, it can end up making a big difference.

Make Graphics Compatible

No matter what type of phone you have, make sure the graphics are on the highest possible setting. On the other hand, in some cases, you may need to lower the graphics setting. The point is to enhance the graphics of the game as much as possible so you can see everything going on clearly. This is all about understanding the type of phone you have and knowing how to make the graphics compatible with the game.

Get a Pop Socket

If you think you’ll be playing Call of Duty: Mobile regularly, a pop socket figures to be a sound investment. If you don’t know, a pop socket connects to the back of your phone to make it easier to hold for long periods. You’ll feel a lot more comfortable, leading to improved performance. This might seem like a small detail, but if you’re serious about COD, it’s something you should have.

Learn from Pro Players

Every now and then, it’s a good idea to take a break from playing COD and learn from others. By watching pro players or even more advanced players who stream themselves on social media platforms you can pick up techniques and ideas that can help you improve. Some players will even talk you through their best tips during the stream. No matter how good you are at Call of Duty Mobile, there is always something you can learn from others. If you find that you enjoy watching pro gamers in action, you should know that betting on esports is possible on a variety of platforms. There’s even an Esports Olympics coming in 2025.

Don’t Cheat

Last but not least, don’t cheat while playing COD mobile. Just because it’s easy to find ways to cheat doesn’t mean you should. As mentioned, there are other ways to gain an edge. Plus, there is nothing more fun than winning fair and square.