WoW is a multifaceted project in which players compete for the highest level, strongest weapon, rare mount, or the most number of kills of other players.

Since World of Warcraft is built on the whole concept of confrontation between two factions – the Horde and the Alliance, therefore you will always have the opportunity to get WoW PVP Boost in battles in the arena, on the battlefield and in adjacent locations, where there will always be a chance to engage in battle with individual players, or entire squads that can turn into entire factional battles, when players stand up for each other.

What do PVP points give

Each player who attacks and destroys an enemy of their own or higher level can receive a PVP hit and Valor Coins, which can be spent on special equipment and weapons that will have increased damage and defense in battles against other players. Don’t even try to attack newcomers – this will not bring any rewards and will often cause a backlash from the entire faction, when stronger players will definitely come to the defense of their allies.

You will be able to fight in locations, in arenas and on battlefields – where the coins will be different, but everyone’s task will be the same – to bring you resources to obtain enhanced equipment.


This is a format that is available to all players after level 20. You will fight alone, in groups of two or three players in a regular or spontaneous arena.

The difference lies in the columns that are present or absent in the playing arena and play a supporting role, because you can run and hide around them.

For beginners, it is better to use the regular arena format and fight alone in order to better understand your skills and equipment and rely only on yourself, and group arena assaults are useful if you have permanent allies and your class has difficulty coping with opponents, for example, supports.

a2 Key points that players need to know about battles in World of Warcraft | VGLeaks 2.0

Large-scale battles

Every week, major clashes take place in the world of Azeroth with a large number of players on both sides. Usually this is a battle for control of game points, or capturing a flag.

In control matches, there will be several zones on the map that you need to capture and hold in order to make them yours. Each side can claim every major point, and in order to capture it, there must be more players from your faction within the range than the enemy.

Capturing the flag requires control over your base so that enemies cannot capture your banner and storming the enemy’s to grab the flag and bring it to your base, and then the squad will receive points.

For both battles, players will receive Coins of Valor based on the contributions they made to their team – actively killing enemies and delivering the flag, as well as returning your banner, gives the most rewards.

Location battles

The fastest and most profitable way to get coins of valor and PVP boosting in World of Warcraft is to hunt enemies in locations. If you defeat representatives of enemy factions, and they are not much lower in level than you, then you will receive coins of valor. This means that you can hunt such players alone if your game class is capable of this – for example, mage, bow, robber.

Accumulate Valor Coins using any of the above methods and exchange them for higher quality weapons and armor to battle against other players. For many gamers, this will be a good alternative to crafting and raids, and at the same time you can not deviate from your favorite format of battle against other players and not do anything else, except perhaps quests to match the level of your opponents, otherwise you can forget about WoW PVP boosting.

a3 Key points that players need to know about battles in World of Warcraft | VGLeaks 2.0


WoW in all its versions places a very large emphasis on PVP, because the two game factions, the Horde and the Alliance, have an irreconcilable enmity with each other, which is a huge stake in the gameplay of any player.

You can fight with players in adjacent locations for leveling up, in arenas, or in large battles that decide the fate of entire regions and bonuses for the faction that controls them.

Each player can fully embrace the idea of PVP boost in World of Warcraft, or ignore it to a greater extent – it’s up to you, but you should know that this is a great way to get unique equipment and weapons that have high parameters for battle against other players.

You will be able to fight in locations, because most of the lands after level 20 will be common to all races and factions, and you can always find opponents on them and attack them to get coins of valor in case of victory, but do not hunt for very small players, because that for killing them you will not receive a reward and will most likely provoke retaliatory actions from stronger players and, in general, such behavior is not welcome in the gaming community.

You can go to the arena to fight against other players and earn different types of Valor Coins for victories alone, as a duo, or in threes with other players.

You can choose one of two types of arenas – normal, or elemental, in which you can hide behind columns and avoid damage and control spells.

Particularly interesting to play in are large-scale battles in which two factions compete to control large territories that provide passive bonuses to representatives.

One of the formats is the control of key points on the game map, which need to be captured and held and knocked out of the enemy in order to occupy the points.

The second format is capture the flag, where each team must capture the enemy’s banner and prevent the enemy from doing the same with your flag.

For victories in major battles – killing enemies, capturing a flag or zones, you will receive the type of coins of valor, which can also be exchanged for weapons and armor with enhanced characteristics in PVP and due to them, replace the need for grinding and raids and deal only with leveling up and battles, receiving PVP boost in World of Warcraft.

Materials and links to additional information that you can read for a better understanding of PVP mechanics in World of Warcraft