Source: Pexels

Optimising player engagement has become crucial for success in a world where players span across various devices and platforms. With cross-platform optimisation, game developers can ensure seamless experiences across these devices, maximising reach and driving long-term player retention.

The Growing Demand for Cross-Platform Experiences

Players’ preferences and behaviours continue to shift amid vast technological changes. Entertainment Software Association revealed that over 63% of players in the US alone participated in games on multiple devices. 50% of those gamers played a game on several platforms simultaneously. Another 59% wished for cross-platform experiences in the future.

With such statistics, online game providers across different entertainment sectors are rising to meet this demand by optimising experiences for multiple devices. A popular industry that has adopted this trend is the online casino world. A Stake Casino review revealed that players could now seamlessly access hundreds of different categories of games through laptops, mobiles and tablets. This ensures that players can find all game features flexibly, whether through a browser or an online casino app.

Increased Reach and Convenience

Developers can tap into a broader audience by ensuring compatibility across consoles, PCs and mobile devices. This expanded reach not only increases the potential player pool but also fosters diversity within the gaming community. According to Decode Agency, global mobile app revenue was expected to reach $935 billion by 2023. Adobe added that 85% of consumers preferred using mobile apps over mobile websites to access different products. This explains why more companies are enhancing their mobile app experiences to appeal to more mobile users.

Players can carry their in-game achievements and rewards across multiple platforms through cross-platform progression. Traditionally, gaming progress was tied to a specific platform, meaning if a player switched from, say, console to PC, they had to start from scratch. With games being available on consoles, PCs and mobile devices, more players expect their progress to be portable. Cloud-based saving systems or account linking mechanisms now allow developers to implement cross-platform progression, allowing players to participate in games wherever and whenever they want without limitations.

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Source: Pexels

Enhancing User Experience

A VB Live write-up indicated that implementing cross-platform games could increase revenue by between 20% and 40%. This may be due to the increased time players spend on such games. As these games offer diverse gameplay experiences like enhanced graphics, developers can ensure they cater to multiple tastes and playstyles, keeping them engaged for longer periods.

MoldStud suggested enhancing user experiences with cross-platform apps could increase conversion rates by 6%. Optimising for multiple platforms fosters familiarity and reduces the learning curve for users switching between platforms. By offering a consistent feel across all devices, gaming companies can enhance customer satisfaction by up to 30%. This ensures users transition between platforms without sacrificing functionality or usability.

As the gaming landscape becomes increasingly competitive, cross-platform optimisation has emerged as a lucrative way for companies to stand out and stay relevant. By embracing this approach, developers can reach a broader audience, grow their revenues and deliver experiences that resonate with players across different platforms.