We hadn’t heard anything about this rumor for a while… until suddenly the ESRB almost officially announced it: Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered has been listed for PS5 and PC.

Supposedly, Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered will feature graphical (and engine) improvements over the original game.

We’re not going to get too much into whether this remaster is necessary or not, but we do have one thing in our minds: if the Decima Engine is going to take advantage of running the game natively on PS5 (as Death Stranding 2 will also do), we’re going to be very much looking forward to seeing this remaster in action.

horizon zero dawn remastered esrb leak [Leak] Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered appears listed on ESRB for PS5 and PC | VGLeaks 2.0

By the way, word on the street is that we’ll be enjoying the ‘famous’ September State of Play next week. It looks like this Horizon remaster could be announced just in a few days.

Stay tuned.

Via | TwistedVoxel