We all know the secrecy that usually surrounds almost everything concerning Valve. This time it’s no different, but we might have a clueDOTA UNDERLORDS was trademarked by the beginning of the past week. The trademark confirms that this application is, indeed, for a videogame, but we have no details.

Underlord Vrogros is a playable hero and leader of the Abyssal Horde in Dota 2, so that’s where the shots could go. Many hypotheses point to a Diablo-style dungeon crawler game. However, we must remark again that no info is known.

dota underlord trademark DOTA Underlords trademark filed by Valve | VGLeaks 2.0

Like Artifact, this new Dota Underlords could be revealed at the event “The International”, the famous annual Dota 2 esports tournament hosted by Valve Corporation.

Stay tuned.