Big news: Significant info and map images from one of the cancelled Half-Life 2 episodes, which was being developed by Junction Point Studios in late 2005, appear to have surfaced on

The material comes from some original and uncompiled map files from the canned episodes, which show the different development stages of the games.

This cancelled Half-Life 2: Episode 3 seems to take place in a snow-themed version of Ravenholm where the player would face small puzzles, scripted sequences and fights. The main character would have arrived at this location after a crash in a gondola, waking up in a warehouse with two other characters named Duncan and Scooter.

EH4ECsr [Leak] Half Life 2 Episode 3 maps and details appear on Internet | VGLeaks 2.0

cr3bjwy [Leak] Half Life 2 Episode 3 maps and details appear on Internet | VGLeaks 2.0

jqPZ1ry [Leak] Half Life 2 Episode 3 maps and details appear on Internet | VGLeaks 2.0

x9HZF46 [Leak] Half Life 2 Episode 3 maps and details appear on Internet | VGLeaks 2.0

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