Yes, that’s right. Tony Todd, Venom’s voice actor in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 (PS5, Insomniac Games) dropped the possible mega-bomb of the week a few hours ago on Twitter.

The message is clear: Spiderman 2 will be released in September, with an aggressive marketing campaign starting in August.

Looks like September! Massive publicity coming in august. Commercials start dropping in august so I’m told. Hold on to your … and hold breath! Gonna be necessary

– Tony Todd (@TonyTodd54) March 21, 2023

But what about the NDAs? Well, we don’t know, but maybe he realized that he was breaking a lot of confidentiality agreements and, so, the tweet has disappeared.

However, the information, as usual, is spreading like wildfire on the internet. After all, Spider-Man 2 is one of the big exclusives that the PlayStation 5 and Sony are expected to have in 2023.

Via | Twitter