Change is inevitable in the gaming industry. Take casinos as an example. At one point, the only way to play casino games was to dress according to the casino theme, head to the casino, and play. But now, the games are available online, especially in regions like Hungary, where people enjoy gaming for fun. Adults can simply log into an online casino no matter where they are and enjoy thousands of casino options. This change has made casinos even more lucrative than ever, resulting in a billion-dollar industry. The same premise holds in gaming – in this guide, we look at how Resident Evil has changed to make the game even more appealing to its target audience. 

The Resident Evil Evolution.

Resident Evil started as a horror game that attracted players who were eager to try something that stood out from the fray. But while this niche was a hit, the game developer had to figure out ways to adapt to new gaming trends and needs. In this bid to cater to differing player needs, gamers saw the following changes in the series over time:

  1. Better Graphics: The original series featured a fixed camera angle. While this was good enough in 1996, when the game was new, players started itching for more. The developer thus changed this to a third-person view before moving on to the first-person perspective, which is evident in the more recent series. But not just the angle changed. Thanks to the use of emerging technologies like augmented reality, the graphics became more believable, which made the game even more exciting.
  2. Compelling Storylines: Players want to enjoy a plot breakdown as this helps them invest more in the game. At first, the series sought to inspire imagination in the gamers. But this changed over time as the developer leaned more into character development, which encouraged buy-in from the players. 
  3. Increased Gaming Modes: In line with the increasing player demands, the developer added more gaming options, including online multiplayer settings. This way, players could enjoy gaming alone, with friends, or competitively, making the game more social.

Of course, the thing that stood out most was the evolution from survival horror to an action thriller.

Bring On The Action!

When people played Resident Evil, they knew that horrific scenes awaited them, and they would need to look out for different imagery. For a long time, this was an excellent plotline. But as the series changed, players noticed a gradual shift in the storyline, as follows:

  • Resident Evil 4: In this series, players not only got an over-the-shoulder angle, but they also enjoyed more action scenes. Add the fact that they had more enemies and varied weapons, and this series witnessed the most action the entire series had ever showcased. While this was a twist to the norm, players loved it.
  • Resident Evil 5 and 6: Like with Resident Evil 4, players enjoyed more action scenes, with some extending to global storylines. But that was not all. They also experienced fewer horror scenes and enjoyed cooperative gameplay, which was a hit. The developer also added more storytelling, which aided the players in understanding their characters even more.

Once these series had set the pace for action, the developer thought it wise to scale down the action and up the horror scenes to create the balance that players sought. As such, when Resident Evil 7: Biohazard came out, players enjoyed a mix of classic horror scenes with more battles, resulting in what many would call the perfect game. Of course, the effects of augmented reality also played a huge role in its popularity. 

So, what prompted these changes?


  • The gaming market: In the early 2000s, many gamers were after action-packed games. To remain relevant, the Resident Evil team had to figure out how to make their game fit the market needs.
  • The player demands: Game developers must always listen to their audience. So, when more people wanted more battle scenes, the developer had to deliver what was on demand.


As things stand, the game has hit a balance. But there’s no telling what the next series will feature.