Last year, Nintendo of America refiled the Eternal Darkness trademark reserving the rights for a downloadable version of the Gamecube title. The original trademark expired in 2009 and, when refiling it, Nintendo added two new uses for the software: “downloadable electronic game programs” and “downloadable electronic game software.”
Apparently, if we check the prosecution history in the trademark, Nintendo was asked for a “SOU” (Statement of Use) this year on December 31st, and this week the company sent the request of a time extension.
You can check it here.
This makes us think that Nintendo is still interested in keeping the trademark, maybe for a future use in a new game, or simply to put the original title in the eShop.
With Silicon Knights -the original ED developer- closed, a new studio called Precursor Games, founded by former SK staff, run two “kickstarters” to bring a “spiritual successor” to Eternal Darkness. Precursor Games wanted to develop a game titled Shadow of the Eternals, built using CryEngine 3, and exclusively for Wii U & PC. Sadly, both kickstarters failed, so the future of this project is, at the very least, uncertain.
Thanks, Nintendoenthusiast