Drew James, an Ubisoft engineer, has tweeted a phrase and an image that feed the rumor appeared some days ago. James tweet  starts with the line “What next for #PrinceOfPersia?”, while other Ubisoft employees appear tagged in the text.

Besides, the image is quite explicit:

prince of persia Ubisoft engineer teases a new Prince of Persia game | VGLeaks 2.0


A few days ago, the French website Le Portail du Jeu Video published that a new 2D Prince of Persia is in development using Rayman Legends’ UbiArt Framework engine.

The site states that the game will use “the same techniques of animation [as used] in the last Rayman” and see the Prince’s body “divided into several parts -torso, pelvis, leg, foot, forearm, hands, etc.- that can be animated independently of each other. 

“This provides a real diversity/credibility in the postures and movements of the hero…,” Le Portail du Jeu Video says. “The quality of the work is to believe [it is] 3D modelling [with] transitions [that are] are fluid and feel well made.”

It is interesting to note that Ubisoft is also using UbiArt Framework engine in other projects like Child of Light, which will be out for sale on April 29.

Via | NeoGaf & VideoGamer